Inquiry-based bilingual physics course for the International Baccalaureate Diploma Teacher Education Programme, Contributed Talks, The International Conference on Physics Education 2022
2022年12月8日 中午12:45-13:55
AEDT 15:45-16:55
WITA 12:45-13:55
ICT 11:45-12:55
Stream G2
Session Chair: Joanna Turner
(University of Southern Queensland, Australia)
16425 Training teachers for new ways of understanding the teaching of physics from its mathematization
Olga Lucía Castiblanco Abril, Luis Sebastián González Aldana (Colombia)
16385 Active learning and historical research on educational methods in fluid pressure in 150th anniversary of the Japanese school systems
Akizo Kobayashi, Fumiko Okiharu (Japan)
16415 From a federal road to Newton's laws
Arthur Vinícius Resek Santiago, Cristiano Mattos (Brazil)
16544 Interdisciplinary practices in natural sciences teaching: An integration of Biology and Physics contents
Ruan das Flores de Azevedo, Mayara Moretti Vieira Palmieri (Brazil)
16553 Inquiry-based bilingual physics course for the International Baccalaureate Diploma Teacher Education Programme
Yu Lim Chen (Taiwan)