國立臺灣師範大學理學院2024 Spring Program日本關西學院大學

國立臺灣師範大學理學院2024 Spring Program日本關西學院大學

探究與實作課程講題: What is scientific discovery?

113年3月11日 上午 9:00-12:00

公館校區教學研究大樓S506 PBL教室



關關同立(日語:関関同立/かんかんどうりつ kankandōritsu )是指位於日本近畿(關西)地方的4所著名私立大學,即關西大學、關西學院大學、同志社大學、立命館大學。 這4所學校被普遍視為近畿地方的頂尖私立大學及「難關大學」(意指難以考入的大學)。

I am writing to extend my sincere appreciation and admiration for the outstanding performance demonstrated by you in this morning's Science Exploration course.

Your engagement and dedication to the subject matter did not go unnoticed. It was evident from your active participation, insightful contributions, and collaborative spirit that you possess a deep understanding of the scientific concepts covered in the course. Your ability to apply background knowledge to practical situations showcased a high level of competence and enthusiasm for the subject.

If you have any questions or if there is anything further you'd like to discuss, please do not hesitate to reach out. Once again, congratulations on your exceptional performance, and I look forward to witnessing your continued success.

All the best,


