The Feynman Lectures on Physics全文上網
The Feynman Lectures on Physics全文上網,由1960年代,Richard P. Feynman親授這套普通物理課程的加州理工學院(Caltech, California Institute of Technology)與Feynman Lectures Website負責全文上網。
任何人可以隨時上網看到最新版本的 《費曼物理學》全套三大冊。這個版本的最大特點是,以HTML 5為基礎,LaTeX方程式利用MathJax JavaScript呈現,向量圖 (SVG, scalable vector graphic)。瀏覽器需支援javascrip,並且能讀mathjax.org的scripts。不支援IE 8.0(Internet Explorer 8.0)以下版本。
Volume I (第一冊) 主要內容是 力學(mechanics), 輻射(radiation)與 熱(heat)
Volume II (第二冊) 主要內容是 電磁學(electromagnetism)與 物質(matter)
Volume III (第三冊) 主要內容是 量子力學(quantum mechanics)
官網上面總共有兩個版本,左半部是加州理工學院鏡射網站,右半部是The Feynman Lectures Website,The Feynman Lectures Website網址是是推行費曼物理講義多年的一個網站,或者說是理查費曼粉絲團也不為過,網站當中還包含費曼1940年代在康乃爾大學的上課筆記,費曼物理的原始講義檔案,費曼物理的習題及解答,講義內容更正。
Carver Mead, for his warm encouragement and generous financial support, without which this edition would have been impossible,
Thomas Kelleher and Basic Books, for their open-mindedness in allowing this edition to be published free of charge,
Adam Cochran, for tying up the many slippery loose ends that needed to come together in order for this edition to be realized,
Alan Rice for his steadfast enthusiasm for this project, and for rallying the support of Caltech's Division of Physics Math and Astronomy,
Michael Hartl and Evan Dorn, for their contributions to converting the FLP LaTeX manuscript into HTML.